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GROWTH & PRESENTATION (26 Weeks onwards)

Well-being check :
Head & brain/4 chambers of the heart/stomach/bladder limbs/placenta location/amniotic fluid
Fetal growth measurement (head, abdomen and femur)
Assessment of amniotic fluid
Fetal weight estimated
Confirmation of placental position
Confirmation of fetal position
Maternal reassurance
Detailed growth scan report
Two black & white prints
FREE re-scan guarantee
No GP referral needed

Each scan package with The Baby Suite includes a well being check of your baby as the first part of your scan. Please be advised we only scan you for long enough to achieve the purpose of your appointment. Our aim is to protect both baby and mother in accordance with guidelines issued from the NHS and Care Quality Commission. Please note there is a £30 supplement for twins.
Preparing for your scan
You should attend your appointment with a full bladder. A full bladder enables us to have a clearer view of the womb.
What happens during the scan?
You will be asked to lie on the examination couch with your abdomen exposed. ​​Ultrasound gel will be applied to your abdomen before the probe is applied
and the image can be seen on the large screens. ​​
​What is included in the Reassurance Plus + scan package?
​The Reassurance Plus+ scan is a 2D package that will show the baby moving in the womb. The objective of this scan is to check the well-being of the baby. Included is our full well-being check that will observe your baby's head & brain - including head circumference measurements, 4 Chambers of the heart, stomach, bladder, limbs and amniotic fluid. You will also have the opportunity to hear your baby's heartbeat. You will be talked through each part of the scan so you are fully involved. There is also an option to determine gender if required. In addition maternal blood pressure will be taken by the midwife.
Tips for best imaging at gender scan
Having a full bladder will help to push the tissue out of the way of the uterus and will create an acoustic window. Also the bladder fluid helps transmit the sound beam resulting in clearer less fuzzy images.​
Barriers to obtaining good quality images include moms body composition, baby's position, placenta position, and an empty bladder. You may want to drink some cold fruit juice 10-15 minutes before your appointment to get the baby moving. It is easier to see a moving baby rather than one that is asleep or in an unfavourable position.
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